Thursday, April 23, 2009

37 Weeks

After our crazy experience last week at the doctor, today was a piece of cake. Last week we did have an ultrasound, but he wasn't being overly cooperative. Today he was, so there are pictures below!!! He was so cute! Last week, they wanted to monitor my fluid, and today it had more than doubled since last week. They checked me today and no progress. It is a definite though that we will be induced May 8th if the baby does not come on his own. My legs and ankles are starting to swell considerably. I've ordered some Crocs so my feet will have some wiggle room. I have become very tired. Jonathan has been wonderful helping me with everything. I've been getting some contractions, but nothing too bad.

Hope you enjoy these photos below. Stay tuned for more updates and some pictures of the nursery!!!!!
The arrow is pointing to his hair!!!!
His little face :)
This is a good profile picture!
I love that you can see his chubby cheeks in this one!!!

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