Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our Sweet Guy

Well Mommy and Joey got to spend lots of quality time together this past week. Dad was gone in VA working on our townhouse. Of course Joey would've picked that week to try out some new things, such as not sleeping in his crib for 6 nights. He's been sleeping decently at night but we are still getting up a few times for food.

He is such a joy for us. He is making us laugh quite a bit with his cry. He is growing rapidly. We went to the pediatrician on Tuesday and he had gained 1lb in 6 days! He was up to 9lbs 4oz, almost 1lb more than his birth weight of 8lb 7oz. Joey is starting to outgrow some clothes already, which is very depressing.

We are getting ready to make a long journey. Saturday June 6th we are treking up to Richmond for several days. Joey's Uncle Sam is graduating from high school on the 9th and we're glad to have the opportunity to share that with him. Then we're going to Urbanna for a DeFalco/Waters/Bingham reunion at the Bingham's new house! We are SO looking forward to introducing Joey to his great aunt and great uncles and grandparents. We are taking our camera for the whole week we are gone, so you can expect to see lots of great pictures!

Speaking of, here are some recent pictures of our little man.

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