Thursday, February 12, 2009

27 week visit

Well today was a bust. We went to do the glucose test- I was pretty nervous about it. Last month when we went to schedule it, I wanted to go next week because I didn't like the doctor who was there this week. They said I had to do it this week, so I made Jonathan go with me :) We get to the office today and when they were doing my vitals they were questioning why I was there at 27 weeks (typically the glucose test happens between 28-32 weeks). Long story short, I didn't do the glucose test. The doctor gave me an option of either doing it today or I could take it in two weeks. Now I have to start going every two weeks since I'll be in my 3rd trimester. So that's why I just decided to do it then, since I already have to go back. My vitals were good. I'm still under 20lbs for my pregnancy so I'm feeling pretty good. We're really tired to exercise and eat healthy.

You can expect a lot of posts in the new few weeks. Mom and Dad are coming down at the end of February to help us get some things really in the nursery! The following weekend, Ali, Mark and Lindsey are coming for our work shower! I'm so happy for all of our company- haven't seen Linds since May! The next weekend we'll be in Richmond for my cousin's shower, then next weekend I have a seminar to go to and then finally we will be back in Richmond for our shower at our old church, Goodwill. Lots of things happening and we're trying to rest when we can. Pray for our health- lots of coworkers have gotten the flu and a bad cold and so far we've avoided it. Can't wait for our company and trips, although it's going to take a lot out of us.

Maybe we'll be seeing you soon!!!! :)

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