Wednesday, February 9, 2011

January 2011

Hey all! Here are some fun pix of our January! We had a fun month- we had a good amount of snow (at least for Fayetteville- one storm we had 4 inches!), Joey had his boy cousins visit, and he got to meet Curious George. He is growing like a weed, and talking even more.
As of today, Jonathan has been at BMW for 1 year! One year down, one year to go! We've joined a church and are making friends. One thing about this town is that people are used to families only being here for a short time. We are looking forward to see where the Lord will send us next.
I am still working at Panera, but depending on Jonathan's school schedule, I won't be there too long. He's already taken a placement test for Fayetteville Tech CC to study Electrical Engineering. We're waiting to hear back...we're pretty sure he's gotten in but waiting to hear for sure and to see what his class options are, since he can only go at night.
Other than that, nothing much is happening here. We've been very happy to see so many family members the past few weeks and looking forward to seeing lots more in the upcoming weeks!!!!

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