Wednesday, September 23, 2009

4 Month Doctors Visit, Jon coming home, Eye Doctor....yikes :)

Joey had his 4 month peds appointment on Wednesday the 16th! He weighed 16lbs 14.5oz and they measured him at 26 inches, but I've consistently measured him at home to be just about 28 inhces. At any rate, he is in the 75-90% on the charts! His pediatrician gave us the green light to start some solids, so we started cereal this week. Pictures to come later! I was thinking to hold off for a little while longer, but he has started to wake up in the middle of the night again, so I figured it was time. He had to get more shots, but he did pretty well with them.

Jonathan came home the following Saturday morning through Monday morning. We had quite a whirlwind weekend but it was awesome to have him home. Joey acted like he never missed a beat, although I do think he was a little sad the first few days after Daddy left. We went up to Blowing Rock to meet David, Ali and Mark and long story short, we ended up driving back to TN with them for the night. We came back to Charlotte early Sunday morning for some much needed family time. Jonathan went back to Orlando early Monday morning. The next time we'll be able to see each other is October 9th. Feels like a long ways away, but I know it is right around the corner. Thank you all for being so encouraging to us- it is both wanted and needed.
Jonathan is doing great in school- he's in the top 5 of his class!

Joey had is appt today with the eye specialist. He said that the tear duct that's clogged is normal (which we knew) until about 12 months of life. Anything after that, we'll have to see where it leads us. He also does not think that his eye is from a defected 7th facial nerve, but from excess skin above his eye and he will hopefully grow into it. He has been such a joy for me. Being around him reminds of the reasons we are sacrificing now.

Please continue to pray for us as we are wearyand need some pep. Fortunately I have a bunch of company coming before the end of October, so that is keeping me busy. Jonathan is studying anywhere from 4 to 6 hours a day. On the weekends he drives to his parents (only 1.5 hours away) to help with putting in the patio with his dad.

Promise to send some photos soon!

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