Friday, March 20, 2009

The latest

Today I am officially 32 weeks along, which is very scary. this seems like time is just flying by. I have a lot to write about this morning. I had a great time with my sisters- it was wonderful to see them and hang out with them for several days. They were very helpful in preparing some meals for when I'm on maternity leave! Ali took some gorgeous maternity pictures of us- go to, click on proofs then Jon and Leslie's Maternity. We are so pleased with them. It was sad to see them go, but I think we needed it because none of us slept right the whole time they were here. Ali brought Mark, who was a doll. We spoiled that kid rotten. They came to our work shower on the 9th, where we got a ton of awesome things. All of it is put away in the nursery....not sure what we're going to do with all the other things we're going to get. Ali brought us more clothes that Mark has outgrown so now little JMD is set for the first 9 months of his life. In the meantime, I had to go back and take my second glucose test, which came back positive. So I officially have gestational diabetes, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Jonathan is doing it with me, which is a great help. We had both been wanting the motivation to get our weight under control, and this is it. Work is going well for me- it is busy. I haven't had too much time to sit during the day at work and have noticed a slight bit of swelling over this past week. Jonathan has his interview for his advanced training on Monday. We should know something maybe even that day. This weekend I'm going to a seminar to help study for my boards, and Jonathan is going to a class for first time dads on Saturday. Next week is sort of tame during the week, but then Friday afternoon we head back to Richmond for our baby shower and some time with both sides of the family. This past Monday we started our birthing class. We really liked the instructor and the other members of the class. We are all first time parents so it's interesting to hear other concerns or things that have been happening to other ladies. The birthing rooms are really nice- all with a jaccuzi or garden tub, DVD/CD player, TV, and internet connection.

Stay tuned for more- hopefully very soon.

Love to you all

Jonathan, Leslie and JMD :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

29th week and Mom's visit to Charlotte

The crib!!! It is espresso

The dresser from IKEA

This used to be mine when I was little- Mom brought it down for us
Our cute pack and play

Dad kissing his little guy

Mom took one of us!!!!

Mom lovin on her grandson

Me and Mom

Well Mom made it in on Friday and was able to go with Jon and me to my doctor's appointment Friday afternoon! It was my glucose test- I actually was able to do it this visit. I chugged the drink and then about 5 minutes later I was very jittery. We heard his heartbeat- it was 145 and perfect. She was able to Dr. Campbell, our favorite. The baby was so active all weekend- I think he likes his grandma :) I should hear back early this week about the results of my glucose test. Saturday was a productive day for us. We had coffee with some friends (another mom and daughter combo) that we hadn't seen in at least 10 years. Then we braved the newly opened IKEA...waited 45 minutes to get in the parking lot. I bought some new chairs for our kitched table and Jon put those together yesterday. After IKEA on Saturday, we put together the crib- which looks wonderful! We played around with the arrangement of the room and finally picked which one we liked. We washed 2 loads of clothes that Ali has already given us. We're saving those to organize when Ali, Linds and Mark are here this coming weekend! Sunday we made an impromptu trip to Walmart and found perfect material for nursery curtains that Mom is going to make for us! She had to leave early because they were calling for snow up a good portion of East Coast. We had a great time. We ended up getting about 4 inches of snow last night. Jon was out of school today and my office was delayed but the roads are so bad I just called in. This is our first real married snow so we're going to go out and take some pictures.

This Thursday Lindsey is coming in for a long weekend with us, and Ali and Mark are coming either Friday or Saturday!!!!!! We'll hopefully be taking some maternity shots with Ali here! Monday is our shower at work- we are so excited! Expect a ton of pictures next week, too! This past weekend with Mom started the madness that we will know until just before the baby is born. We will try to keep everyone up to date on everything as it happens. The next drs appointment is in 2 weeks. Just to keep everyone informed: today I'm 29 weeks and 3 days. Babies at this stage are about 16-17 inches long and weigh almost 3 pounds. He is so active now- I love it!!!
Much love to you all!!!!!