Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our little ham

Curly Q!!!!!

He is Skyping with the Florida crew and really trying to crawl.

We are starting to get into all sorts of new adventures with Joey. He is so close to crawling, as you can see above. He can get himself up and ready, he starts rocking, but then collapses. His next step is to start rolling around on the floor until he gets the toy he wants. He is discovering absolutely everything. He is talking a lot more. He has discovered his tongue- he sticks it out all the time. We've been calling him "lizard lips" because he keeps sticking his tongue in and out so quickly while he's trying to talk!!!! It is hysterial.

Joey has his 9 month appointment on Tuesday, so I will update after that with his stats.

He did great on the trip to Florida to see Jon graduate. He was getting over yet another ear infection, but that seemed to be all cleared up before we left. His fan club was waiting for him when we deboarded and once we saw Matt he was hardly let go!! He loved being with his Daddy of course. Jon has kept him at home, except for the day of his interview in Fayetteville.

Jon starts his new job on Tuesday at Valley Motors BMW! We'll be renting a house about 15 minutes away, so it'll be convenient to work. Everything seems to be pretty close proximity to each other. I will be able to stay home with Joe Joe for a little while, and then look for something part time. Once we get settled in, find a church and then a day care for him.

Don't forget, May 8th is Joey's first birthday party. We will be having a party for him on that day- it is a Saturday! I know it seems early, but it is only 3 months away, so invitations to follow in just a little bit.

Talk to you all soon!!!!!