Monday, October 26, 2009

a long over due update

beautiful blue eyes and a smile

first time eating in his high chair!

i just love this picture!!!!

Sadly, this will be very short because i'm running very low on steam and there is too much to do here.

Joey has reached a new milestone. Two Thursdays ago, he started saying "da da" and now he says it constantly. he says it on the phone with his Da Da, while he looks at his picture- it is so adorable. He is trying desperately to sit up by himself. He is doing great in his 'school'. he used to be the only boy, but now he has to share the ladies with another cute little guy. I think he'll be getting his first haircut this weekend. Pretty much all of his dark hair has fallen out except for a little bit at the base of his skull!!!! It looks really funny. I will be sure to post pictures of that when we cut his hair! For halloween, he's going to dress up as a chest xray- in honor of his mother :) Next year, I'm sure he will be sporting something BMW. he is trying to cut some teeth and I can tell he's really starting to get umcomfortable. He is eating ihis cereal now 2 times a day and we've started him on veggies. So far he really likes peas, sweet potatoes and he'll be trying butternut squash soon. He wasn't a fan of the avacado but we'll try that again later.

We're having Joe dedicated at our church this Sunday morning. It will be a special day for us. He will be almost 6 months old at that point- cannot believe that!!!!

Jon is doing really well down in Orlando. Top 5 in his class. Pray for him as he starts to assemble his resume and hopefully will be able to start looking for a job and find one quickly.

I have my big exam on Saturday November 7 at 12p. Pray for me- I'm very nervous.

We will keep you posted with any new news we get. We hope to be able to post a video of Joey talking really soon!!!! But for now, you'll have to settle with some photos :)